• Podcast Episode: The Role of the Pharma Consultant

    almost 4 years ago

    โ€‹EPM Scientific's Thomas McMann joins Yan Kugel on the newest episode of the QualiTalks podcast. As Head of Contracts Switzerland, Thomas talks all things contractors and consultants within the world of quality in the life sciences industry.โ€‹โ€‹There are many career paths within the quality field of the life sciences sector in Europe. Next to different industries, speciality f...

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  • Bringing Your Company to Life, Virtually: How to Remotely Onboard New Talent

    over 4 years ago

    In Switzerland, many businesses in the Life Sciences industry are learning a new way to do operate their business. Amid uncertain times, it's difficult to know what the "right" thing to do is. Although there's much office work and physical presence, there's a massive increase in medical care, and remote working. If you are a hiring manager and you've put a lot of time and e...

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    Epm How To Remotely Onboard New Talent Blogimage
  • Hiring Business Critical Talent Through Video Interviews

    over 4 years ago

    The hiring process has changed dramatically for many companies due to the Covid-19 epidemic, however the demand for talent remains as strong as ever; especially within the Life science industry.With more people working from home in Switzerland than ever before, this could be an opportunity to adapt your recruitment process. Video interviews create more opportunity for both c...

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    Epm Hiring Business Critical Talent Through Video Interview Blogimage (1)
  • How to Reject a Candidate and Gain a Brand Advocate

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹The candidate experience can be a frustrating one, especially when applying forย specialisedย roles in a technical sector such as pharma and life sciences, where complex skill sets areย demandedย and recruitment cycles can be slow.ย ย Waiting weeks or even months after an interview only to receive a cold, automated email rejection is a weak candidate experience, and one which cou...

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    Reject A Candidate And Gain A Brand Advocate
  • How to Look Beyond the CV to Find the Right Talent

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹When hiring within the pharmaceuticals and life sciences sector, a candidateโ€™s educational history and experience is vitally important to the technical nature of the work, where certain skills will be required. However, if you are faced with many identical CVs for a popular role, hiring managers will need to look beyond the CV to find a candidate which is an ideal fit for y...

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    Epm How To Look Beyond The Cv To Find Talent
  • How to Successfully Onboard a New Employee

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹Hiring within pharma and life sciences can involve long recruitment cycles, and new hires can be overwhelmed by โ€˜information overloadโ€™ on their first day, as processes and workflows are quickly introduced so your new employee can quickly turn to the task at hand. It is the responsibility of HR professionals and HR management to create an action plan which will help new hir...

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    Epm How To Successfully Onboard A New Employee
  • How to Help a New Employee Relocate

    over 4 years ago

    An effective employee relocation package upon hiring top talent can be an excellent long-term investment if you have found an employee who will provide valuable specialist knowledge and skills to your company within the global pharma and life sciences sector.You donโ€™t want to hire an employee who feel unsupported while making a stressful move, and entering their new role fee...

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  • Why Counter-Offers are a Waste of Time and Money

    over 4 years ago

    Hiring and training costs are high in the global pharma and life sciences sector, and hearing a skilled employee is handing in their resignation can strike fear into the hearts of managers. If a worker is truly irreplaceable, it can be a solution to create a counter-offer to keep your employee retained and providing value to your institution. However, though counter-offers ...

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    5 Reasons Why Counter Offers Are A Waste Of Time And Money
  • How to Deal with a Toxic Employee

    almost 5 years ago

    In the high-pressure world of pharma and life sciences, it is the employers' responsibility to make sure their team is happy and productive. A large part of wellbeing in the workplace comes from our social connections, and the presence of a confrontational, unpleasant and toxic employee can have knock-on effects across an entire company. Spending 40+ hours a week in the pres...

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    Epm How To Deal With A Toxic Employee
  • How to Negotiate Salary With A Successful Job Candidate

    almost 5 years ago

    โ€‹Finding skilled and talented candidates for roles in the demanding pharma and life sciences sector can be a difficult process, especially for specialised roles in advanced technologies. In some cases in this busy job market, you may find your candidate is demanding a higher salary than you previously budgeted for. Negotiating salary can sometimes be tricky for employers, bu...

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    How To Negotiate Salary
  • How to Write a Great Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

    almost 5 years ago

    โ€‹The pharma and life sciences sectors are currently facing a war for talent. As disruptive technologies evolve and high demands for specialists in branches such as biotechnology continue to grow, companies are now focusing on developing attractive employer brands to attain the best quality talent available. A strong employer brand is built around an Employer Value Propositio...

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    The Key To Writing A Great Evp
  • How to Make the Perfect Job Offer

    almost 5 years ago

    Pharma and life sciences has been disrupted by a new generation of start-ups focused on tech innovation and using data to develop futuristic new solutions for both diagnosis and treatment. This has led to a global labor market which is competitive, with the best candidates able to demand higher salaries and more perks, while considering multiple job offers. As the sector div...

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    How To Make The Perfect Job Offer