• How the Head of EPM Scientific in APAC supports diversity in the industry

    over 1 year ago

    Celebrating her seventh anniversary at Phaidon International this year, Kayleigh Regan is the epitome of making the most of your ambition and the opportunities available. Beginning her journey in the London office at LVI Associates, after struggling through a difficult first six months, Kayleigh found her stride and hasnโ€™t looked back since. After growing a team as Principal...

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  • Life Sciences Salary Snapshot 2022

    over 1 year ago

    โ€‹Compensation is always tricky to determine, both as a professional and for organisations. Across all markets, individuals and businesses regularly ask for the very latest compensation trends to benchmark and identify where they stand in the market.EPM Scientific engaged with over 400 life sciences professionals across the Asia Pacificto create the EPM Scientific Salary Snap...

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    Life Sciences Salary Snapshot 2022
  • Podcast Episode: The Role of the Pharma Consultant

    almost 4 years ago

    โ€‹EPM Scientific's Thomas McMann joins Yan Kugel on the newest episode of the QualiTalks podcast. As Head of Contracts Switzerland, Thomas talks all things contractors and consultants within the world of quality in the life sciences industry.โ€‹โ€‹There are many career paths within the quality field of the life sciences sector in Europe. Next to different industries, speciality f...

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  • Bringing Your Company to Life, Virtually: How to Remotely Onboard New Talent

    over 4 years ago

    In Switzerland, many businesses in the Life Sciences industry are learning a new way to do operate their business. Amid uncertain times, it's difficult to know what the "right" thing to do is. Although there's much office work and physical presence, there's a massive increase in medical care, and remote working. If you are a hiring manager and you've put a lot of time and e...

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    Epm How To Remotely Onboard New Talent Blogimage
  • How to Ace a Virtual Interview

    over 4 years ago

    The Covid-19 pandemic has put increased pressure on the Life Science Industry, with many companies are now forced to increase their hiring in order to meet demands. Video interviews have now become a fundamental part of any recruitment process, however it can be difficult to create a great first impression.With the right preparation you can ensure you utilise this popular in...

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  • Hiring Business Critical Talent Through Video Interviews

    over 4 years ago

    The hiring process has changed dramatically for many companies due to the Covid-19 epidemic, however the demand for talent remains as strong as ever; especially within the Life science industry.With more people working from home in Switzerland than ever before, this could be an opportunity to adapt your recruitment process. Video interviews create more opportunity for both c...

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  • Recap of RAPS Switzerland Chapter โ€œRisk Management Revisitedโ€

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹The Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society (RAPS) is the largest global organization of and for those involved with the regulation of healthcare and related products, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, biologics and nutritional products. A couple of times a year its Switzerland Chapter holds a number of professional development and networking activities where att...

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  • Blue Monday? Here's 5 Ways to Feel Instantly Better

    over 4 years ago

    If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, January can be a difficult time to keep motivated at work. The festive season already seems like a distant memory, with bad weather and increasing debt levels putting a stopper to any possible cheer. All these factors lead to the most depressing day of the year, Blue Monday. Donโ€™t worry, weโ€™re here to help you turn the day around. Foll...

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    Epm 5 Ways To Beat Blue Monday
  • How to Write a Winning CV for Biotech and Pharma

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹So, you have decided to branch out of the world of academia and into industry. Switzerland is certainly an opportune place to find a new industry job. Long known as one of the world's major innovative hubs, Switzerland has been ranked first on the Global Innovation Index for eight years in a row, despite holding just 0.1% of the world's population. Many global pharma and bi...

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  • Advancing Women of Color in STEM

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹90% of CEOs report that diversity is a top business priority, yet the dial towards progress has hardly moved in recent years. A quantitative study byย MassBioย showed that although women make up half of the entry-level positions in biotech, they fill only 20 percent of senior leadership slots and 10 percent of board seats. While aย 2017 study of the US biotech industry byย Natu...

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    Epm Spotlight Advancing Women Of Colour In Stem (1200x628)
  • How to Reject a Candidate and Gain a Brand Advocate

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹The candidate experience can be a frustrating one, especially when applying forย specialisedย roles in a technical sector such as pharma and life sciences, where complex skill sets areย demandedย and recruitment cycles can be slow.ย ย Waiting weeks or even months after an interview only to receive a cold, automated email rejection is a weak candidate experience, and one which cou...

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    Reject A Candidate And Gain A Brand Advocate
  • How to Look Beyond the CV to Find the Right Talent

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹When hiring within the pharmaceuticals and life sciences sector, a candidateโ€™s educational history and experience is vitally important to the technical nature of the work, where certain skills will be required. However, if you are faced with many identical CVs for a popular role, hiring managers will need to look beyond the CV to find a candidate which is an ideal fit for y...

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    Epm How To Look Beyond The Cv To Find Talent
  • 5 Steps to Convincing Your Boss That a Sabbatical is a Good Idea

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹Did you know that 34% of the โ€œ100 Best Workplaces in Europeโ€ offer paid sabbaticals, according to the Great Places to Work Institute? With this number ever increasing, there's no better time to bring up the conversation with your employer. Asking for a career break is rarely easy, but a sabbatical offers more than a chance for you to recharge. Time away can be a vital oppor...

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    Epm 5 Steps To Convincing Your Boss That A Sabbatical Is A Good Idea
  • How to Help a New Employee Relocate

    over 4 years ago

    An effective employee relocation package upon hiring top talent can be an excellent long-term investment if you have found an employee who will provide valuable specialist knowledge and skills to your company within the global pharma and life sciences sector.You donโ€™t want to hire an employee who feel unsupported while making a stressful move, and entering their new role fee...

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  • Why Counter-Offers are a Waste of Time and Money

    over 4 years ago

    Hiring and training costs are high in the global pharma and life sciences sector, and hearing a skilled employee is handing in their resignation can strike fear into the hearts of managers. If a worker is truly irreplaceable, it can be a solution to create a counter-offer to keep your employee retained and providing value to your institution. However, though counter-offers ...

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    5 Reasons Why Counter Offers Are A Waste Of Time And Money
  • How to Successfully Onboard a New Employee

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹Hiring within pharma and life sciences can involve long recruitment cycles, and new hires can be overwhelmed by โ€˜information overloadโ€™ on their first day, as processes and workflows are quickly introduced so your new employee can quickly turn to the task at hand. It is the responsibility of HR professionals and HR management to create an action plan which will help new hir...

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    Epm How To Successfully Onboard A New Employee
  • How to Make a Great First Impression in Your New Job

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹Day one of a new role in the pharmaceuticals and life sciences sector is aย nerve wrackingย experience. It has taken a lot of effort to win the role, but now it is time to face the challenge of adapting to a new working environment.ย ย The first day is often a whirl of information, learning a lot of new names and running through a lot of processes you are likely to forget the n...

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    Epm How To Make A Great First Impression In Your New Job
  • How to Leave Your Job Without Burning Bridges

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹Professionals talk to each other in the global pharma and life sciences sector, and you may find that your reputation already precedes you when applying for roles within the sector. If you quit a role in a sudden and dramatic way which burns bridges, your actions may come back to haunt you. Even if you hate your current role, it is better to leave your employer singing your...

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    Epm How To Leave A Job Without Burning Bridges
  • How to Decide if a Job Offer is Worth Taking

    over 4 years ago

    โ€‹Receiving a job offer after a long application and interview process can feel like winning the lottery, especially within the pharma and life sciences sector where employees need complicated skill sets and recruitment cycles can take a long time. However, there is much to consider before you say โ€˜yesโ€™ to a job offer. Taking a job offer is making a decision about how you wil...

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    Epm 7 Ways To Decide If A Job Offer Is Worth Taking
  • How To Survive a Marathon Interview Process

    almost 5 years ago

    โ€‹A 2018 Glassdoor survey found that the pharma and life sciences sector had some of the slowest recruiting cycles, with the average time between application and hire taking an average of 28 days. It can be hard to reach decisions with busy schedules, and so the โ€˜all day interviewโ€™ has increased in popularity to help speed up the recruitment process.ย ย This is where candidates...

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    Marathon Interview Process